Before School
All students are expected to be in school on time at the beginning of the school day unless there is a valid excuse.
The school day begins at
8:30 a.m. for morning Kindergarten and for grades 1-6. Afternoon Kindergarten begins at 12:05
Students should plan to arrive no earlier than 8:15 a.m. (fifteen minutes before the school entrance bell), unless
directed to do so by a teacher or the principal. Supervision of students begins at 8:15 a.m.
Prior to the entrance bell, students are to report to their designated areas. There is to be no running, pushing,
or throwing objects. Ball playing and use of the playground equipment before school is not permitted. During inclement weather signs will be posted at the main entrances instructing students to enter the building at 8:15 a.m. (Students are not to enter any school building before the first bell unless they have specific written permission from a teacher or the principal.)
Dismissal During the School Day
When a student leaves the school building prior to 3:00 pm, he/she must be picked up by a parent/guardian or
designee, who will report first to the office to obtain the release of the student. Written notice of a parent's intent to
remove a child before the normal dismissal time should be received in the main office on that morning. The note should
include the reason for early dismissal, the time of pick-up, and the authorization for anyone other than the parent or
guardian to pick up the child. Only the school secretary or building principal/assistant principal is authorized to release a
student during the school day.
When a student returns to school during the school day, he/she must report to the office with the parent or
authorized adult before being readmitted to class.
Dismissal at Close of School Day
Students should leave all school buildings by 3:10 p.m. and the school grounds by 3:15 p.m., unless they are staying for a school-supervised activity, a PTA-sponsored activity, or are with a teacher or the principal.
All school grounds are closed to students and the public after dark unless the persons are participating in an activity authorized by the school district.
On the Contact Information Form, to be filled out each September, the approved plan for emergency dismissals and departures will be detailed by the parent of each child. In the event of an early dismissal, this form will also be used to provide instructions for the child’s departure to his/her home or parent-approved location.
Any variation to the plan for dismissal must be received in writing on the morning of the change in procedure. This includes play dates and car pool changes.
*Please refer to the Board of Education policy on Student Supervision After School Dismissal located in the Appendix section of the Parent / Student Handbook.